The Transaction Search screen is where you can search for journals of any type using a variety of filters, such as Period, Date, Amount, Journal Type, and Journal Number.
You are also able to export the data from the search that is completed into Excel for further analysis.
- Go to the Admin menu, then click Transaction Search.
Select your search filters. These can either be one or a combination of the following:
- Account
- Analysis Categories
- Period
- Date
- Amount
- Journal Type
- Journal Number
- Journal Reference
- Description
Click Search.
Once the search has been performed, this will show all transactions relating to the search options that have been selected.
Every second journal is shaded in light grey for easier viewing.
- Some journal types can be double-clicked on to drill into the transaction details. These are currently journal numbers that start with BKD, EXP, GEN, PAY, REC.
- If you wish to export the search data, click on the Export button and this will download a Excel workbook.
- If you wish to clear your search and perform a new one, click the Clear button.