- Go to the Income menu, then click Donation Tax Summaries.
- Choose the correct Tax Year from the Tax Year dropdown menu, then click Search.
- This will display a list of all Givers that have transactions in the chosen tax year. The Status will show as "Not Generated" as the reports have not been generated for this year yet.
- Click the Preview button to see a preview of all the DTS reports.
- Check a sample of the reports to ensure the correct receipts are showing.
- Run the Receipt Summary Report for the same date range
- Click the Ok button when finished viewing the report preview.
- If you are ready to produce the DTS reports, click Generate.
- A preview of the reports will be displayed, but this time with the DTS# assigned.
- Click Ok to email the reports to givers with an email address entered, and have the reports print for the remaining givers.
- When the reports have been generated, the Status will show as "Generated" and the DTS No. column will show the allocated number.