Use a Non-Local Offering where the income is to be shared among a Conference, Union, Division and/or General Conference. Only users with admin level permissions will be able to see and access this menu.
Go to the Admin menu, then click Non-Local Offerings.
A list of existing offerings will appear.
Click the New button.
Complete the following fields:
Offering tab
- Offering Name - enter the offering name
- Levy - only tick this box if this is to be a levy on tithe from missions
- Available From - (not currently in use). This will control the start date of when an offering is shown on eGiving.
- Available To - (not currently in use). This will control the start date of when an offering is shown on eGiving.
- Classification - choose the classification for the GC Statistical report. Check with SPD Treasury if you have questions about what to select. In general, offerings created at the:
- Union level would have the UnionOffering (64) option selected
- Conference level would have the Donations - Local (68) option selected
- Division and GC offerings may have a specific classification chosen rather than Donations - Local
- Roll-up Percentages -
- Effective Date - this is a new field, which specifies when these rates are effective as at. For example, if the effective date is August 2022, then any organisation that closes August 2022 and later will get the new rate. If a church is late and is just closing July, the July rate is used to roll up to the conference. The conference may already be in the August period, so when the conference closes August, those funds would go on to the union at the August rate.
- Church / Conference/Mission / Union / Division / General Conference
- Notes - add any notes about the creation of an offering or updating of offering details.
Area tab
Select all the organisations that are able to use this offering. If selected, the entity can record transactions using this sub-account, and the offering will be available to show on eGiving (Australia and New Zealand only).
Tax tab
If tax deductibility is allowed for this offering, click the Add button to create a new row and add the details.
For Australia - Certificate number = DGR's ABN (Deductible Gift Recipients), Certificate holder = DGR's Organisation name . Optional fields for Cultural Trust or similar offerings are Legal Name, Legal Role, Legal Signatory, Tax-deductible Statement.
For New Zealand - selecting the country name from the list is sufficient; a Certificate number or Certificate Holder name is not required
.eGiving tab
If the offering is to be available on eGiving, untick the "Hide from eGiving" checkbox. Then complete the remaining fields.
- eGiving Offering Name - this is the name that will show on eGiving
- Is featured offering? - Tick this box for this offering to the be the featured offering for your entity. If another offering currently has this ticked, it will ask you to confirm whether you want to make the new offering the featured offering.
- eGiving Description - this is the information that will show on eGiving regarding what the offering is for.
- eGiving Image - select an image from the dropdown list. Instructions on adding an eGiving image can be found here eGiving Images.
- Click Save.