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GL2 has been designed to be easy for GL2 system administrators to implement their own entities and ledgers. The recommended practice is to set up the chart of accounts in the Live environment first. Then switch to the Test environment, import the opening balances and do a month or more of processing (if switching from another accounting system). This will highlight any accounts that need creating and / or any special setup that may be required. Once you are satisfied that the setup and usage is correct, the process is repeated (more quickly and easily) in the Live environment.

Steps to complete

  1. Create the Entity and Ledger in GL2 in the Live and Test environments.
  2. Create users in the Test environment.
  3. Set up the chart of accounts in the Live environment.
  4. Link the Special Accounts in the Live environment, as required.
  5. Export the chart of accounts and map the existing trial balance to the GL2 accounts.
  6. Import the accounts, sub-accounts, legacy accounts and opening balances into the Test environment.
  7. Set up bank accounts / cheques / receipts / tax in the Test environment.
  8. Set up the statements and interest features in the Test environment, if using these features.
  9. Import budgets into the Test environment, if required.
  10. Training - train all users in the Test environment.
  11. Testing - if required, process a month or more of data, testing all required features and functions.
  12. Go live
    1. Set the correct Financial Year and Period Start in the Live environment.
    2. Redo the opening balances as at the go live date. Import into the Live environment.
    3. Set up bank accounts / cheques / receipts / tax in the Live environment.
    4. Set up the statements and interest features in the Live environment, if using these features.
    5. Redo and import the budgets into the Live environment, if using this feature. Can be done later though.
    6. Ensure all users created in Live.



Create the Entity and Ledger in GL2

2Create users
3Set up the chart of accountsX

4Link the Special AccountsX


Export the chart of accounts and map the existing trial balance to the GL2 accounts.

6Import the accounts, sub-accounts, legacy accounts and opening balancesXX
7Set up bank accounts / cheques / receipts
8Set up the statements and interest features, if using them
9Import budgets, if required

Training - train all users 

11Testing - if required, process a month or more of data, testing all required features and functions.
12Go live

aSet the correct Financial Year and Period StartX

bRedo the opening balances as at the go live date. Import into the Live environment.X

cSet up bank accounts / cheques / receiptsX


Set up the statements and interest features, if using them



Redo and import the budgets, if using this feature



Ensure all users created in Live.


Steps explained

Step 1 - Create the Entity and Ledger in GL2 in the Live and Test environments
