Date released: 04/07/2021
Summary of changes
Allow reprint of individual Invoice/Advice notes. To do this:
Go to Print Pending Transactions and click on the Invoices / Advice Notes tab.
Click the Show Printed checkbox. All transactions that previously had an invoice/advice note printed will be displayed.
Click on the + to expand the relevant journal and show all the journal lines.
Tick the relevant journal line and click Print.
Repeat the process for any other lines that need invoices/advice notes printed.
Add Journal Description to Journal Entry module so you can see what journal is being edited (if Journal No has been allocated).
Do not allow deletion of ALL transaction lines in Journal Entry - one line must remain otherwise errors will be given, so update prevents all lines being deleted.
Resolve exception error when adding new user.
Resolve error when creating new Ledger and allocating periods.
Use different control in Ledger Selection dialog – easier to scroll and search when changing ledgers.
Allow show Main Menu items if transactions exist (i.e. new Ledger) - only a selection of menu items will be shown before the chart of accounts etc created. To stop errors appearing due to screens being accessed that weren't fully configured.
Various bug fixes