The SPD Tithes & Offerings system ACAS (Adventist Church Accounting System) is a web-based system designed to assist Local Church Treasury teams complete all of local church treasury teams with completing the required recording and reporting functions online. Access to Tithes & Offerings requires ACAS requires a username and password, which can be obtained by completing the Tithes & Offerings New User form User form and returning it to your local conference office. Your level of Tithes & Offerings access The role assigned in ACAS will determine what screens in the system you will be able to see – Assistant Local Church Treasurers will only see a limited number of screens.
This Training Manual The help is designed to be a detailed, step-by-step guide in how to use Tithes & Offeringson using ACAS. Please contact the Tithes & Offerings support ACAS support personnel at your local conference if you have any questions about the content of this training manual or using Tithes & Offerings.
Note |
Note: All details and figures depicted in this Training Manualthe help are entirely fictitious – even when actual church names are used. Figures and details have been fabricated for instructional use only, and do not reflect any church financial situations in any’s financial situation. |
ACAS minimum computer specifications
Screen resolution of 1920 x 1080
Broadband internet connection
Supported version of operating system (Windows or Mac)
Supported modern browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari)
Computer less than 5 years old