Be in the Conference organisation. Then go to the Admin menu, and click Organisations.
Click on the New button.
Enter the required information on each tab.
Details Tab
Code - must be unique
Address - is used for eGiving
Website - is used for eGiving
Pastor/Chief - is used for eGiving
Treasurer - person must first be set up as a Giver
Budget Start Month (this is a read-only field that is linked to the Financial Year Start month under the Periods tab)
Base Currency - this will default to the currency of the parent, but can be changed if required. It cannot be changed after the organisation has been created.
Periods Tab
Financial Year Starts - select the first month of the church’s financial year.
Financial Year - select the Financial Year that data will start being entered in ACAS from.
Click Save. The periods for the financial year have now been created and they will all be active.