Featured offerings
Each entity can feature one offering. This moves it to the top of the sorting so it appears in the most visible page locations. Setting this overrides any other featured account for the particular account owner. Each of the following entities can have a featured offering
- General conference (Tithe always and one other of their choose ),
- South Pacific Division,
- Union,
- Conference/Mission,
- Local church.
You will notice that featured offerings have pictures which are twice the size of non-featured offerings.
Featured offerings will always be placed at the top of the offering list, after this the sorting is done as follows. In each category it is sorted in alphabetical order from A-Z
- Local Church offerings then,
- Conference/Mission offerings then
- Union offerings then,
- Division offerings and lastly
- General conference
Exceptions to the above rules
If the offering does not have an image or description selected it will be relegated to the bottom of the list until such time as these details are provided. Even if it is the churches featured offering.