Follow these steps to create a new ACAS user (must have the Conference Administrator, Union Administrator, Division Administrator or System Administrator role).
- Go to the Admin menu, then click Users.
- Click on the New button.
Enter the following details:
- Given Name
- Surname
- Phone
- Job Title
For existing System Administrators only
If the user is to be a System Administrator, tick the System Administrator check box.
- Click the New button to add the organization and role.
- Select the desired Role and Organisation. Click Update once completed.
Another Role and Organisation can be added if required. The menu items will automatically update based on the organisation selected. Click Save. This will send an activation email to the user so they can activate their account.
Users have 3 days to activate their email before it expires.
If it expires then the activation email can be re-sent and users will have to activate from the second email.