Once budget figures have been entered for accounts, they can be viewed, edited and reported on. Refer to this question for information on importing budgets - 15729315
Viewing budget figures
Budget figures can be viewed in several ways:
- Directly in the account / sub-account - go to Accounts and click on Account Maintenance. Navigate to the required account / sub-account and select it. Click on the Budget tab to view the figures.
- In Accounts Enquiry (which will show the Period Budget, Variance $ and Variance %) - to go Enquiries and click on Accounts Enquiry. Select the relevant account/s or click the All checkbox. At the Show Budgets slider, set in to the On position. Click Search.
Editing budget figures
Depending on how many accounts / sub-accounts need editing, you can choose one of two ways to do this:
- Edit directing in the account / sub-account - go to Accounts and click on Account Maintenance. Navigate to the required account / sub-account and select it. Click on the Budget tab to view the figures. Make the required changes and click Save.