Offering of the Week feature
The Offering Of The Week feature displays this week’s offering(s), according to the offering calendar set up by the conference/union/division. This features makes it easier to find the scheduled offering each Sabbath, and allows you to create a scheduled offering that donates to the Offering Of The Week, regardless of who the funds are going to.
How it works
Offering Of The Week takes the calendar information from the General Conference downwards, and displays the scheduled offerings appropriate to the church or entity that you select. So if you select a local church in the Greater Sydney conference, you would see General Conference, South Pacific Division, Australian Union Conference and Greater Sydney Conference and the local church offerings. Whereas if you select a local church in the North New Zealand conference, you would see the weekly offerings for the General Conference, South Pacific Division, New Zealand Pacific Union Conference, North New Zealand Conference and the local church.
There are two offerings of the week that can be scheduled:
Church Offering of the Week - collected during the church service
Sabbath School Offering Of The Week – changes between ‘weeks 1-12 Sabbath offerings’, and ‘13th Sabbath special offering’
What does the Offering Of The Week look like?
Simplified offering list on the website | |
Example of Offering Of The Week on the website |
When does the Offering Of The Week change?
Each Tuesday (very early morning, AEST), Offering Of The Week account(s) displayed will change from last Sabbath’s offerings to the coming Sabbath’s offerings.