Searching in ACAS
Updates released on 27/6/23 now cater for advanced search functionality in many dropdown lists.
Spaces are treated as wild-cards
"carl o" matches entries that contain "carl" and that have another "o" somewhere after the word "carl", e.g. "carlos" or "carl olson" is matched
For dropdowns that have multiple columns you can use "|" (the pipe symbol) to indicate that the next piece of text is in a subsequent column
If no "|" is used in the filter then all columns are treated as part of the text to search, so "12" would can match both columns on an account dropdown, i.e. accounts with the number 12 in their code somewhere, but also account names that have 12 in them, e.g. "NLO Payaable - Sabbath School (12 Sabbaths) (GC)"
"a|b" means find "a" somewhere in the first column then "b" somewhere after the first column
"|12" means anything in the first column then find "12" after that, so if the dropdown has 3 columns then column 2 or 3 are candidates
"|12|" in a 3-column dropdown means find "12" only in column 2
The same space-as-wildcard behaviour applies within columns, e.g. "|12 s" means skip column 1 then find "12" and "s"
Period dropdown lists - you can now search for "m 23" and get "March 2023" and "May 2023"