Payment Entry
Entering a Payment entry creates a payment journal and will reduce the amount owing to the supplier. The Expense entry must already have been done.
If you are unsure whether to use Payment Entry or Express Payment Entry, please refer to your Conference support team.
Go to the Expense menu, then click Payment Entry.
Complete the fields in the header section:
Supplier - choose the supplier from the drop-down list. Only suppliers with unpaid expenses will show on the list.
Period - this will default to the Current period but a future period can be selected if required
Date - this will default to the current date but a date in the past or future can be entered
Payment Method - select the correct option from the drop-down list
Bank Account - select the bank account the payment was made from (or is to be made from, if paying from your CMF account)
Cheque/Ref No. - this field requires the cheque number to be entered if the Payment Method chosen is Cheque, otherwise it is optional
Details - enter the details that you would like to appear on the CMF statement
A list of outstanding expense entries for that supplier will appear. Confirm that the amounts in the Payment Amount column are what you wish to pay.
If you do not want to pay the full amount, select Edit on the line/s you wish to adjust. Update the amount to what you wish to pay and click Save on that line.Click either Save or Save & New to save the data and enter a new payment.
If the Payment Entry screen is incomplete when you click either Save or Save & New, you will see an error message to advise of any incorrectly entered or missing data. Correct as necessary and click Save or Save & New again.After saving the Payment Entry, a blank Payment Entry screen will appear ready for a new payment to be entered.
Note: If you choose the CMF bank account, the following Payment Methods will transfer a payment to CMF Online:
CMF Internal
The bank details must already be set up in the Supplier record at the time of making the payment.