Send Receipts
This function allows you to send (that is, print or email) receipts displayed in the Receipt Search.
All receipts processed in Receipt Entry must be printed or emailed before they are posted to the ledger. This is best done once a batch (e.g. once a week) as it allows for the total receipted to be checked against the total banked.
Go to the Income menu, then click Receipt Search.
Select your search filters. These can either be one or a combination of the following:
Receipt Number
Unsent Only
Emailed Only
Printed Only
Journal Number
Click Search.
Once the search has been performed, this will show all receipts relating to the filters that have been selected.
Click the Email/Print Receipts button.
This will bring up a pop-up window of receipts showing their default sending method. Adjust the Send Method for any receipts if required. If all receipts are to be printed, click the Print All button to change the send method of all. Click Next.
The next window advises how many receipts have been sent. Click Next.
If any receipts are to be printed, the receipt report will be displayed, ready for printing. Print the report, then click the X in the top right-hand corner to close it.
You will then be returned to the Receipt Search screen.