Donation Tax Summary FAQs
Following are some common questions about Donation Tax Summaries.
I have compared the Donation Tax Summary preview and the Receipt Summary Report for a giver. The Donation Tax Summary amount is higher than the Receipt Summary report.
The most likely explanation is that the giver gave one or more receipts anonymously, but while logged in to eGiving. This amount/s will show on the Donation Tax Summary, but will be in the Anonymous Online Donation section of the Receipt Summary Report. You can check the receipt numbers in this section and any missing receipts will be there.
A giver says they are missing one or more receipts from their Donation Tax Summary.
Check whether the Giver has more than one Giver record, and therefore more than one Donation Tax Summary.
Check whether the offerings given to are tax-deductible. If not, they will not show on the Donation Tax Summary.
Ask the Giver what church shows on the receipt. If it is a different church, they will get a Donation Tax Summary from that church as well.
Finally, the Giver may not have been logged in when giving. Therefore the receipt/s will not show on the Donation Tax Summary. The receipts themselves are now accepted by the IRD, so the ones missing from the DTS could be uploaded as well as the DTS.
A giver has requested a Donation Tax Summary part way through the tax year, as they are leaving the country. Can this be done?
Yes. Follow the usual procedure, ensuring you filter the search just for this giver.