How to create a MyAdventist profile via the eGiving website
Having a MyAdventist profile to use with eGiving allows you to view previous donations, reprint receipts and create and manage scheduled donations.
1 | Go to the eGiving website - or |
2 | Click the MyAdventist icon located on the right side of the page under the Login / Create Account box. If you already have an existing MyAdventist profile, there is no need to follow these steps as a duplicate profile will be created. If you wish to add another login method to your existing MyAdventist profile, follow the instructions in this link How to Connect/Add Another Login to Existing MyAdventist Account. |
3 | You will either be directed to the recent login page (if you have recent logins) or to the main login page. If you can see the recent login page, just click the Other logins link located on the lower right corner of the MyAdventist recent login box. |
4 | On the login page, click the Sign Up - New profile button located at the top right corner of the page. |
5 | You will be shown a variety of profile creation options. In the New Profile window: How to Create a Google Login Account in MyAdventist (5.b) Staff Account - the "Staff Account" login button currently works for persons who are set up in the South Pacific Division Active Directory. This includes:
If you are in any of the above categories, you are able to use the Staff account login option. And if you are in the above categories but you haven't been given a MyAdventist Staff account or Active Directory account, please contact the Human Resources (HR) department for your local entity/employer - i.e. your employing Conference/Mission/Union/Division, with your request, and HR will advise as to next steps.
A MyAdventist Password login is one of the login methods used by MyAdventist that can be completely self-managed. If you forget the password to this login option, refer to the instructions here on How to recover my profile in MyAdventist |
6 | Follow the prompts of your chosen login method to finish creating your profile. |
7 | For more information on how to create a MyAdventist account, please refer to the following links: |
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