How to login to eGiving
If you already have a MyAdventist profile, follow these steps to log in to the eGiving website. If you don't have a MyAdventist profile, follow these instructions to create one: How to create a MyAdventist profile via the eGiving website
Login to eGiving via eGiving website
1 | Browse to or |
2 | Select your church. To do this, type two or more characters of your church name and it will return a list of churches that match your search. Choose the correct one, then click Select. |
3 | In the Login / Create Account section, click the myAdventist icon or the Login link to be taken to the login screen. |
4 | You will either be directed to the recent login page (if you have recently logged in) or to the main login page. If you can see the recent login page and it is the recent login method that you want to use, you can directly log in through there. Otherwise, click the Other logins link and you will be directed to the list of login options. |
5 | You will then be directed to the MyAdventist Login page. Select the button that corresponds to the login method of your MyAdventist profile. |
6 | Sign in/Log in your account by providing your email address and password and follow the steps. Click Agree. Note: The provider chosen for presentation purpose is Yahoo. You may choose another provider depending on what is applicable to you. The log in/sign up process does not have any significant difference. |
7 | You will then be automatically logged in to eGiving. To confirm this, your name will appear on the Login / Create Account box. |
Login to eGiving via MyAdventist
1 | Go to You will either be directed to the recent login page (if you have recent logins) or to the login page. If you can see the recent login page and if it's the recent login that you want to log into, you can directly log in through there. Otherwise click the Other logins link and you will be directed to the list of login options. |
2 | You will then be directed to the MyAdventist Login page. Select the button that corresponds to the login method of your MyAdventist profile. |
3 | Sign in/Log in your account by providing your email address and password and follow the steps. Click Agree. Note: The provider chosen for presentation purpose is Yahoo. You may choose another provider depending on what is applicable to you. The log in/sign up process does not have any significant difference. |
4 | You will then be logged in to MyAdventist. Look for the eGiving application icon. It it is not in the recent tab, click the applications tab. |
5 | Click the eGiving application icon. You will then be logged in to eGiving. To confirm, your name should appear on the Login/Create Account box. |
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