How to create a Scheduled Gift in eGiving

How to create a Scheduled Gift in eGiving

You may also like to view the how-to video at Recurring eGIVING donation via Direct Debit


Open https://egiving.org.au or https://egiving.org.nz in your web browser.


Click the MyAdventist icon or the login link located on the right of the eGiving page.


You will be directed to the MyAdventist log in page. Click the icon of the provider you used or you want to use to create your MyAdventist account and log in/create your account. Login to your MyAdventist account. If you don't have a MyAdventist account, please follow the instructions in this link on How to create a MyAdventist profile via the eGiving website



Once you have successfully logged in, you will be directed back to the eGiving website. Select your church by typing your church name, click Select.


Complete the giving options that are to be recurring, then click Give.

We recommend setting up a weekly schedule for the following offerings ( Offering of the Week feature )

  • Sabbath School Offering

  • Weekly Church Offering 

For Tithe you can setup a schedule at the same frequency as you receive your income. 


Select payment type of either 'Credit or Debit Card' or 'Direct Debit', then tick the "Recurring gift" box. Complete the recurring donation details: frequency (Weekly, , First gift date, No gifts after (giving end date).


For BPAY you can create a scheduled donation from your bank account. BPAY and Direct Debit are only applicable to Australian givers.

If no start date is selected then the first donation will begin immediately, and then at the same time of the day, at the frequency selected.  


Complete the remaining credit card details, review the privacy information, and then click Confirm Payment. 

A "thank you" message is displayed.


Two emails are sent to your email address (linked to the MyAdventist account you used to login): first, an email with a link to view your scheduled donations; second, an email with your eGiving receipt attached and this also has a link to see your donation schedules.


To vary your donation schedule, click on the link in the emails you received from eGiving in the above step, or login to eGiving and click the "View scheduled giving" link. 

More help can be found at How to Maintain Scheduled Donations#Editascheduleddonation and How to Maintain Scheduled Donations#Deleteascheduleddonation

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