How to logout of eGiving

How to logout of eGiving


  • eGiving website users who are not logged-in can simply close the eGiving website to leave the service.

  • Users who logged-in to the website can select the Logoff link and then close the page.


Any time the web browser used for a logged-in session is closed, the session is automatically logged-out when the web browser is closed.


When you log into the eGiving mobile app, you are asked to create a PIN. This PIN protects your logged in session from unauthorised use. Every time you then close the app and re-open it, you will remain logged-in, but will be asked to verify your identity either by entering the PIN or using your fingerprint. You remain logged into eGiving until you either:

  • select “Logout” from the menu; logging out also deletes your PIN.

  • select “I Forgot” from the PIN entry screen; this will log you out and delete your PIN.

To log out of the eGiving app:

  1. Tap on the More menu.

  2. Tap Logout. A warning message will appear, so tap Logout to complete the process.

  3. You will be returned to the login screen, where you can log in again if required.

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