Events Registration

Retirement of Events Registration

Events Registration will retire as of 09/02/2024.

Please note:

  • Before this date:

    • All Event configuration dates must be before this date, including Ticket Price dates.

  • On and after this date:

    • No new events can be created, and no registrations or refunds will be possible.

    • Read-only access will be available until 30/4/24 so you can extract any required historical event registration data, such as the Registration Data Export report.

Please contact Service Desk if you have any questions about this. Thank you for using Events Registration and best wishes for the future with using your chosen replacement application.


Communications history

It came to our attention recently that not all users of Events Registration may have been notified about the retirement or had a chance to be part of the consultation process, and for that, we apologise. Below is what was sent, as part of the process of consulting with conference/union/divisions.


28/9/23 - email to Event Admins

Dear Event Admins,

Thank you to those who provided feedback regarding the possible closure of Events Registration. The decision has now been made to proceed with the shutdown. The feedback was that many entities have already moved to other solutions, or were planning to. 

Following is the planned shutdown process:

  1. Disabling of new event creation: the creation of new events with an Event Date after February 10, 2024 has now been prohibited. The restriction will also apply to the Registrations End and payment-related fields. This will allow us to focus on completing existing events that have registrations and those scheduled up to that date. We will work directly with organizers of existing events not meeting this criteria to determine the best approach.

  2. Data accessibility: Beyond February 10, 2024, we will keep the system accessible until April 30, 2024. This ensures you have ample time to access and archive essential data for your records and reporting needs.


A number of entities are looking for replacement applications. From our experience there is not a perfect solution at a low price so we recommend that you consider your own circumstances in your search decision. Following is a list for your interest on what others are doing:

  1. NNSW Conference has been using a company called Blue Vineyard (

  2. SA Conference is using PaperForms with Square for payments (

  3. Adventist Technology has previously reviewed other events platforms, and found Brushfire as a suitable replacement even for complex events like camp meetings (


Thank you for your support of the Events Registration system in the past. We hope it served you well when there were limited options available. 

Warm regards,

The Adventist Technology team at the South Pacific Division


23/8/23 - email to Event Admins

Dear Event Admins,

We're reaching out to discuss a significant update regarding our Events Registration system, which Adventist Technology has proudly provided for years. If your entity is not currently an active user of Events, please disregard this email. 

A recent PCI DSS Compliance review highlighted the need for enhanced credit card transaction security within our Events system. As the Events system has less usage than it did prior to off-the-shelf applications being widely available, we believe adapting the Events system presents challenges that may outweigh its benefits.

Given the potential costs and complexities, we're considering discontinuing the Events service and are discussing this possibility with the CFOs of all entities. Should we proceed with this change, we will provide as much notice and guidance as possible so you can have a smooth transition to your chosen replacement application. 

Please contact your Conference (or Union / Division) CFO to discuss any suggestions or concerns. If you do not have direct access to the CFO please feel free to share any comments with us.

We apologise in advance as it may not be possible for us to respond to every email, but if you pass along insights we will gladly consider them.

Warm regards,

The Adventist Technology team at the South Pacific Division


Watch the Getting Started Videos


  • Create and customise your event webpage that's mobile-friendly

  • Gather the details you need from your attendees

  • Sell event tickets, and related tickets (e.g. meal/accommodation/resources): paid/free, with/without GST

  • Handles complex events and allows attendee registrations to be edited (e.g. adjust tickets purchased, or add another attendee)

  • Processes online payments (Visa/Mastercard) and records offline payments (cash, direct deposit, etc)

  • Statements emailed, including tax invoice details/receipts/refunds

  • Integrates with accounting software - CMF data export includes project/account/other analysis codes

  • Check-in module to keep up to date with arrivals and departures, and customisible lists

  • Check-in module allows quick-reference to attendee's responses e.g. for seminar selections, allergies, emergency contact

  • And more... see Events Features


  • The Events Processing Fee is 30c per ticket sold plus 1.5% of the total transaction value.

  • Free events = no fee  (Free events defined where the total ticket sold value is $0.00)

  • Note that for large free events, there may be a charge applied to offset costs to support that event

Search for a solution


Events Registration is the online tool for Event Organisers

It's a web based system where Event Organisers can publish event registration forms and collect registration details and payment. It allows people to fill in their details, register and pay online to secure their place at an event. The Check-in feature allows Event Organisers to conveniently access attendees' registration data, and create custom lists and list labels to track and edit in real-time the collection of resources, shuttle queues, medical flags, special needs, etc.

Check out the tips and hints at Events Best Practice to help you organise and deliver your event.