Events Features

Event webpage

Gather registrations

Sell tickets

Accept payments




Event webpage

Gather registrations

Sell tickets

Accept payments




Create a customisable webpage

Add images, text, video, links

Use layout features including panels, wells, grids, columns, text and other content areas

Supports complex functionality needed for registrations completed by groups of attendees (e.g. BigCamps, Pathfinders, etc)

Add questions to gather required data from your attendees

Compulsory questions

Sell tickets anywhere

Single tickets or package tickets

With/without GST

Set pricing according to date/time

Limit availability of each ticket, and maximum available per person

Accept payments anywhere

Visa or Mastercard

Record cash/bank transfer/BPAY and other manual payments

Issue receipts/statements/invoices via email to the attendee

Pay by installments, where permitted by the Event Admin

Variety of reports available to analyse registration data

Weekly sales report can be emailed to Admins

Manage guest attendance

Record guest arrivals and departures

Customisable lists and tags to manage your attendees throughout the event

Customisable quick look-up of attendee details e.g. emergency contact, camp site, seminar selection, etc

Admins can edit a registration to adjust responses and/or ticket selection

Refund/cancel a registration

Create templates for use in future events

The online tool for event Organisers

Event Organisers are using Events Registration software as their online tool to organise these types of events:

Community and Staff events



Sale/Request Resources

Community and Staff events



Sale/Request Resources

Symposiums, Youth rallies, Road to Bethlehem

CHIP, CHIP Facilitator training

"Big Camp" conference camps


In-service training for teachers/pastors

Depression and Anxiety Recovery Programs, and Training Programs for leaders

Local church camps


Fun Runs

Pathfinder camps, Pathfinder Camporees, Pathfinder Expeditions, Adventurer camps

ADRA Appeal Supplies

Fundraising concerts

Junior camp, teen camp, summer camp, youth camps, ski camps

"Big Camp" staff Tshirts

Useful tips and hints as you organise your event

Check out the useful tips and hints that cover the stages of organising your event, at Events Best Practice