Cancelling a registration

Events Processing Fee - calculated on tickets sold

Registrations from 01 February 2018 incur the Events Processing Fee. The processing fee is calculated on registrations (where an attendee has selected tickets, and agreed to the terms and conditions of the event). Where an attendee has registered but not yet paid, their tickets will incur the processing fee (excluding 'free' events). You may wish to review your attendee list regularly, and cancel registrations of attendees who have not paid according to your event's requirements. Cancelling a registration removes it from the attendee list. More information at Events Processing Fee and Events Processing Fee Report


These steps are relevant for both paid and free events, and where the attendee has/hasn't/partially paid.


When viewing the list of events, click the View Statements button


Identify the person to be refunded, click the Cancel and Refund button


The Refund Statement screen appears, click Process refund


A confirmation screen appears, advising the Statement was refunded and cancelled

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