Events Processing Fee Report

Events Processing Fee Report

The events processing fee will be calculated as the total of 30 cents per ticket sold plus 1.5% of the total transaction value. Kindly note that free events will not incur these fees.

Registrations from the 1 February 2018 will incur these fees. Fees will be invoiced monthly, for the attention of the entity whose name (ABN for Australian customers) appears on your event’s statements/invoices. An event is considered a 'free event' where there are no paid tickets involved, so these will not incur any fees.

We have created a report with summary and details of the events processing fee for each entity. It is scheduled to be sent to the contact persons of each entity every 6th of each month at 12:05 AM starting June 6, 2018.

An Overview of the report:

The report contains 4 worksheets.

The first worksheet shows the summary of the fees and the total tickets sold and invoiced amount where the fees are based.

The second worksheet was created to make it easier for the charges to be imported to SunSystems. If you are using an accounting package other than SunSystems, kindly contact us so we can create/modify this worksheet for you.

The third and fourth worksheets contain the details of the events and tickets used as the basis for the fee.

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