1 | In Events, click Reports Select an Event from the drop-down list (or leave blank to create a report for all your events) Select a Report type from the drop-down list (e.g. Registration Data Export) Click Download. A CSV file is generated. Click to open the downloaded file (screen may vary according to the browser used, Firefox shown below)
Reports available: Tip - the Registration Data Export provides all information associated with a completed registration, it is one of the most popular reports to use when managing an event |
2 | Open the CSV file in Excel (or other spreadsheet program). |
3 | Registration Data Export notes Minimum of two lines are shown per registration (yellow highlight in screenshot above). First line shows payment details, for the whole registration. Second line shows the first attendee's name together with all of their selected tickets and responses to questions. If two or more persons have registered, their details will be shown in rows (one per attendee) under the first attendee's row. IsAttending and IsPaid fields use 0 to indicate 'no' and 1 to indicate 'yes'. Columns A to N show attendee contact details, columns O to V contain registration and payment details, column X onwards contain tickets from the event page (sorted alphabetically by ticket name in v2, or by form order in v1), and then questions (same sorting as tickets).
4 | Excel tips for efficient use of the Registration Data Export To quickly convert the data into a table, select all cells, press Ctrl+T. To hide a column (e.g. blank column C), right-click over the column letter and select hide Cell value shown as #### indicates the column is not wide enough to display the value, click on the right edge of the column letter and drag the column wider.