Adding or removing an Event Editor

Use the Event Editor feature to reduce the administration load on your office for Events-related information/refunding requests.
An Event Editor can access attendee reports, adjust tickets, provide refunds, etc, for that Event only. You may add more than one Event Editor.

Persons who can edit an Event: Event Editors, and Client Administrators. Each Event is setup within a client, eg Event = NNSW Conf Bigcamp 2016, and Client = NNSW Conference.

Adding an Event Editor


  1. Open the intended Event, and select the User Admin tab.

  2. Check the person's name is not already listed under Current Event Editors.

  3. Type the person's name and email details.

  4. Click Save.



An invitation email will be sent to the email address entered, providing a link to access to Events for that particular event. The person's name will be listed under Pending Invitations.
Expire - expires the invitation, the person could no longer use that invitation email link to become an Event Editor; click Expire then click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
Resend - resends the invitation email to the email address shown; click Resend then click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.



Once the person accepts the invitation, their name will be displayed in the "Current Event Editors" section.


Removing an Event Editor


Open the intended Event, and select the User Admin tab.

Identify the person's name in the Current Event Editors list, and click remove.


The Event Editor Management section appears; click Save to remove the Event Editor;

or, click cancel to cancel this action so the person remains an Event Editor.


Note An Event Editor cannot delete their own name from the Event Editor list. Another Event Editor for this Event or a Client Administrator for your client (business unit) will need to delete your name from the Current Event Editors list


Related topics

How to get a list of attendees

Who can edit an Event

Adding or removing a Client User (Client Administrator)