Release Date - 15 November 2022
Summary of changes
Expenses | Express Payment Entry – should now use the Invoice/Ref.No. field as the details transferred to CMF Online.
Period Close | Bank Reconciliation – the Variance was changing when going between pages of the bank reconciliation screen. The Variance is now calculated on entries ticked on all pages of the bank reconciliation, not just the current page that is selected.
Period Close | Bank Reconciliation report shows the Depositor name in the Details column (currently just for Bank Deposit entries made in ACAS, not T&O).
Reports | eGiving – Details – updates to the mapping of eGiving schedules/templates where the accounts were not active/mapped in ACAS have now been done. This particularly affected Income Summary churches, where eGiving auto-processing is not enabled.
Data for 1 November 2022 should be correct.
Reports required to be run now for October 2022 – send the report from T&O and ACAS. This is because there is timing issue for some payments, so they will be on the ACAS report but not the T&O report.
There is one more fix still to come, which relates to historical, once-off transactions that did not have accounts mapped.
Reports | Funds Report – NLO income without transactions and that have a $0 balance have been hidden.
Reports | Income & Expense Statement – NLO income accounts without transactions and that have a $0 balance have been hidden.
Reports | Income & Expense Statement – the Period Budget column is now correct for accounts that have sub-accounts assigned to them.
Admin | Manage Accounts – Archived accounts can now be made active. Ensure you activate the Archived account first, e.g. Archived Income, then activate the assigned sub-accounts.
As part of this work, the format of the Fund field on Accounts has been modified, so it is only showing the Account Name, not the Account Number and Account Name in this field. We will modify this in the next update.
Admin | Manage Accounts – sub-accounts assigned to Income accounts where the account may be hidden from eGiving (e.g Local Budget Income), can now have the Hide from eGiving checkbox ticked/unticked.