Release Date - 30 April 2024
Summary of changes:
Income | Bank Deposit Entry - some $0 receipts had started appearing in Bank Deposit Entry, causing them to give errors when saving. They will now give a proper validation error if a $0 receipt is selected. If you come across $0 receipts, please email Service Desk so we can investigate where they are coming from.
Admin | Organisations – fixed a bug where an unhandled error would appear if changes were made to the Pastor/Chief field.
Expired activation links - improvements have been made so users with expired activation email links should not end up with an Azure AD B2C login and an ACAS login that are not connected. They will get a good error message, and then you can resend the activation email and the signup will work.
Technical updates and bug fixes.
eGiving Dashboard v2
Updated default year to 2024
Updated report to use the Global Account Name for any local offerings. Previously, it was using the Custom name, so there were many variations of Local Budget Offering, for example. You may need to re-run reports for any local offering data you may have gotten from this report.