Release Date - 26 April 2023
Summary of Changes
Income | Donation Tax Summaries
Tax Year filter defaults to the most recently closed tax year (currently, that is 2022/2023)
Tax Year filter - if a future year is selected and Search is clicked, a pop-up warning message appears that says "You have chosen a Tax Year that is not yet complete. Would you like to continue? Yes | Cancel"
Status filter - defaults to "Not Generated"
DTS report now includes the name of the ledger when exported to PDF
Income | Receipt Entry - fixed a bug where entries with the CHQ Payment Method were not showing in the Deposit Entry screen if they had been edited
Expenses | Express Payment Entry - the Invoice/Ref. No. field is used for the Description in CMF Online. It was doing this originally, but seemed to change to using the Details field around February.
Expenses | Express Payment Entry and Payment Entry - validation has been added to check that the Supplier has valid payment details entered when the CMF Bank Account is chosen, and the Payment Method is either BPAY, CMF Internal or EFT. If not, a warning message will be displayed and the payment will be prevented from being saved.
Reports | Account Statements - inactive accounts are shown in italics, and with "Inactive" appended to the end of the account name
Reports | GST Report
Attachments column - replaced the tick with a Y if an attachment exists. It now prints the Y.
The Journal No. has been made into a link. If clicked, a new tab will open showing the entry screen. Attachments can be viewed from there.
Admin | Import Budget - when the Export is done, only the required NLO Income accounts are exported, not all of them.
Admin | Manage Accounts - sub-accounts can now be made inactive even if that sub-account is being used as the Fund on inactive accounts. Previously, a different Fund had to be selected on the inactive accounts.
If the inactive accounts are re-activated, a new Fund will have to be selected if the sub-account is still inactive.
Admin | Non-Local Offerings - the Classification field is now mandatory. If the offering is for something like Current Account payments and should not be shown on the GC Statistical Report, there is a new option that shows first on the list, which is N/A (0). Check with SPD Treasury if you are unsure of the correct Classification.