Release Date - 17 January 2023
Summary of changes
Income | Bank Deposit Search – historical deposits are not able to be reversed in ACAS, as it works differently from T&O in this area. So the Reverse button has been greyed out when a historical transaction is selected on the Bank Deposit Search screen, and when drilled into.
Expenses | Payment Entry – the Save & New button now works
Reports | Chart of Accounts – the “Accounts Missing Funds” filter now correctly excludes accounts that have sub-accounts assigned and “Allow posting to account” is not ticked
Reports | Journal Export – the new section called “Expense payments during period” is now functioning as designed. Keep in mind that it will show Payments entries and Express Payment entries made in the open period of the Parent. So if the amount appears incorrect, you may need to check previous periods of the report, as it depends on the period that was open in the Parent, not the period that is was paid in at the Church ledger.
Reports | Tithes and Offerings - a new button has been added called “Export Data”. The Export Data button creates an Excel export the same as it was in T&O. (The existing Export button will be renamed to “Export Report” in the next deploy)
Reports | T&O Analysis – the existing button has been renamed to “Export Report”, and a new button has been added called “Export Data”. The Export Data button creates an Excel export the same as it was in T&O.
Reports – default periods have been added for reports that did not previously have them
Admin | Journal Search - fixed issue reversing some journals
Admin | Manage Accounts – when a Fund is made active, it now appears on the Fund list on accounts immediately, rather than the screen having to be refreshed
Admin | Offering Calendar – years are in the correct order and only show once
“Entry” screens – validation has been added so that if a tax code with a non-zero rate has been used on a row, the Tax amount cannot be overridden to zero. If it is, a validation error will appear. For example, an expense has been entered for $110 using the PUR tax code. The Tax amount is not allowed to be overridden to $0, it must have an amount.