Release Date - 7 March 2023
Summary of changes:
Reports | Account Statements - now includes a filter to show inactive accounts
Reports | Offering Comparison - fixed bug with the First Comparison column not showing the correct amounts
Period Close | Period Close - fixed an issue where levies where calculating on Areas (Mission entities) that they should not have been
Admin | Journal Entry - added the Save & New, Delete, and Reverse buttons
Admin | Clients – fixed a bug where changes to certain Clients could not be saved. Where there was a Giver & Supplier record type in T&O, information relating to the Supplier record was being added to the Giver record in ACAS, causing the issue.
Admin | Manage Accounts - fixed some bugs around specific cases of deleting sub-accounts and making Funds inactive
Admin | Messages - validation added to indicate field length limits
Admin | Organisations - the Website field has been added. This is where the eGiving website gets the church information from, so if the website showing on eGiving for a church needs updating, it can now be done.
Websites that were going to error screens have been removed, and those missing the "http" or "https" have had that updated, so please have the treasurers check this field and update it if necessary. We will let you know which churches have had modifications made.
Expenses screens - updated field length validation on various fields in Expense Entry, Payment Entry and Express Payment Entry