Release Date - 24 June 2024
Summary of changes:
Validation on Invoice No. field - several changes were implemented to get this feature working as intended:
Express Payment Entry
The Invoice/Ref.No. field has been split. The existing field is now called Invoice No. and the any reference numbers can be entered in the Cheque/Ref.No. field.
Validation has been applied to the Invoice No. field, so validation message will appear if the same invoice number has been entered for the selected supplier. There is no validation on the Cheque/Ref.No. field.
Expense Entry
The Invoice/Ref.No. field is now called Invoice No.
If a reference number is needed to appear on payment details, this will come from the Payment Entry screen.
Supplier records - a new field has been added to the Supplier record, which is called Customer Ref. No. If a reference number is added here, it will default to showing on Express Payment Entry and Payment Entry transactions.
CMF payments - no changes have been made to the reference numbers that are shown on payments made via CMF.
Addition of the Hold button - when creating an Expense Entry, you can click Hold instead of Save if the entry is not ready to be posted, the same as exists in Journal Entry. The Expense entry does not have to be balanced to be put on hold. The On Hold entries can be found in the Expense Search screen using the Status filter.
Reports | Account Statements report - now shows the Client record (Giver or Supplier) for the following transaction types - INC, REC, EXP, PEX, PAY. To fit this column, the "Type" and "Transaction Details" columns were removed. Please advise if this is an issue. The Transaction Details can be seen if the journal is drilled into, which will display the Transaction Details report.
Reports | eGiving - Non-Local Offerings - this new report shows details of Non-Local Offerings, and can be run in any ledger and by all roles. This is so any user can find out who an offering owner is and direct any questions to them. It can be run for any ledger above the current ledger in the hierarchy, e.g. from a church, you can filter the report for its conference or union, then the division and GC.
Reports | Receipt Summary Report - now has the Account filter, so you can select one or more offerings and see who has given to them.
Reports - Validation has been added where the Period End field is less than the Period Start field.
General Ledger menu - this menu has been created, and relevant items moved from the Admin menu to the General Ledger menu, specifically:
Account Search
Historical Accounts
Import Budget
Journal Entry
Journal Search
Transaction Search
Year End
General Ledger | Journal Entry - the Cash Drawer account will not appear on the Accounts list in this screen for users with the Assistant Local Church Treasurer, Local Church Treasurer or Advanced Local Church Treasurer roles. This is to prevent incorrect journals being processed. Further accounts can be added if required.
General Ledger | Journal Search - a Copy button has been added to Journal Search, and when drilling into an existing journal entry. The Period will default to the Current period on the copied journal, but the date will remain as what was entered, ready to be updated by the user. All other details can be changed and then saved or put on hold.
Admin | Organisations | eGiving tab - improvements to how the pin on the map works when updating an address or creating a new church.
Grid Height selector - added the option to choose the number of rows displayed in the grid to the remainder of the entry screens (Income Summary, Bank Deposit Entry, Payment Entry, Journal Entry).
Search screens - validation has been added where the Period End field is less than the Period Start field, and/or the Date To field is less than the Date From field.
Technical updates and bug fixes, including a fix for being able to delete bank reconciliations without issues, and being able to unmatch bank reconciliation entries that were matched but have become unbalanced.